raffaella losapio
A Stitch in Time universale di David Medalla nei colori dell’arcobaleno

Testo di Raffaella Losapio, pubblicato in 1F Mediaproject Link: http://www.1fmediaproject.net/2016/05/21/a-stitch-in-time-universale-di-david-medalla-nei-colori-dellarcobaleno/

‘Whiteout’ by Jill Rock From 3rd of December to 9th of January | Hundred Years Gallery Hundred Years Gallery 13 Pearson St. London E2 8JD +44 (0) 20 3602 7973 http://www.hundredyearsgallery.com/whiteout/ http://www.1fmediaproject.net/2013/12/03/whiteout-by-jill-rock-hundred-years-gallery-london/ Position the cursor on the images to view captions, click on images to enlarge them. Posizionare il cursore sulle immagini per leggere le […]
Photogallery | Dal Cielo ci Guardano – From above in space somebody looks at us

From above in space somebody looks at us – Dal Cielo ci Guardano Raffaella Losapio & The Yuri Gagarin Contraband Evento multimediale a cura di Vittoria Biasi Domenica, 27 Novembre 2011, ore 17 AOCF58 – ASSOCIAZIONE OPERATORI CULTURALI FLAMINIA 58 Pagina Facebook “Dal Cielo ci Guardano” http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175282272563495 https://www.raffaellalosapio.com/2011/11/27/from-above-in-space-somebody-looks-at-us-dal-cielo-ci-guardano-raffaella-losapio-and-the-yuri-gagarin-contraband/ Position the cursor on the images to view […]
From above in space somebody looks at us – Dal Cielo ci Guardano. Raffaella Losapio & The Yuri Gagarin Contraband

From above in space somebody looks at us – Dal Cielo ci Guardano Raffaella Losapio & The Yuri Gagarin Contraband Evento multimediale a cura di Vittoria Biasi Domenica, 27 Novembre 2011, ore 17 AOCF58 – ASSOCIAZIONE OPERATORI CULTURALI FLAMINIA 58 Via Flaminia 58, 00196 Roma (metro A, fermata Flaminio) – Tel. +39 06 3610411 +39 06 3211880 […]

Position the cursor on the images to view captions, click on images to enlarge them. Posizionare il cursore sulle immagini per leggere le didascalie; cliccare sulle immagini per ingrandirle. An Eros-Arrow towards the Sun Performer: Raffaella Losapio, Director of STUDIO.RA (www.studiora.eu) The contemporary art gallery is located near Caffarella Valley, in the archeological park of […]