An eros-arrow towards the sun – video di Raffaella Losapio
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An Eros-Arrow towards the Sun
Performer: Raffaella Losapio, Director of STUDIO.RA (
The contemporary art gallery is located near Caffarella Valley, in the archeological park of the Appia Antica, Rome (Italy)
Musiche tratte da:
Stravinskij – La sagra della Primavera
Stockhausen – Sonata per piano
David Medalla (Director of London Biennale) wrote… “the arrow’s trajectory defines the imaginary and real path to creative transcendance”
Diana (divinità) – Wikipedia
David Medalla (Director of London Biennale) wrote…
“the arrow’s trajectory defines the imaginary and real path to creative transcendance”
Una risposta a “An eros-arrow towards the sun – video di Raffaella Losapio”
Rispondi a Francesca DF Annulla risposta
It would have been a unique experience to be there, to watch a ‘living’ arrow pouncing on the setting sun…
It would have been a unique experience to be there, to watch a ‘living’ arrow pouncing on the setting sun…